Representation - Capital Talent Agency

Contact - - 703.349.1649

Brandon McCoy Acting Resume -2021.jpg

“…played by Brandon McCoy with such touching introversion and vulnerability…” - DCMETROTHEATREARTS

“His versatility comes through in spades as McCoy's acting and musician skills are used to full advantage.” - BROADWAY WORLD

“McCoy is a brilliant, loveable Francis. Slightly mischievous and rarely rattled…” - DCTHEATRESCENE

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Outside Mullingar

The Keegan Theatre

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Miss Bennet Christmas at Pemberley

Round House Theatre

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The Who and the What

Round House Theatrez

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Round House Theatre

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The Glass Menagerie

Rep Stage

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Twelve Angry Men

Fords Theatre

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The Keegan Theatre

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The Book of Will

Round House Theatre